cabbage - khabetjhe (s.9) dikhabetjhe (pl.10)
cabin (ship) (<Eng.) - khebini (s.9) dikhebini (pl.10)
cafe - khefi (s.9) dikhefi (pl.10)
cake - kuku (s.9) dikuku (pl.10)
calendar - khalendara (s.9) dikhalendara (pl.10)
calf (animal) - namane (s.9) dinamane (pl.10)
calf (animal) - namane (s.9) manamane (pl.6)
calf (leg) - tlhafu
call (v.) - bitsa
call for (v.) - bitsetsa
call him (v.) - mmitsa
call one another (v.) - bitsana
called (being ...) (v.) - bitswa
called (v.) - bitsitse
camera - khemera (s.9) dikhemera (pl.10)
camp - kampo (s.9) dikampo (pl.10)
can - ka
canary - tswere (s.9) ditswere (pl.10)
cancer - mofetshe
cancer (<Afr: kanker) - kankere
candy - pompong (s.9) dipompong (pl.10)
cannabis - hlahla-se-maele
cannabis - kgomo ya faatshe
cannabis - matekwane
cannibal - ledimo (s.5) madimo (pl.6)
cap - kepisi (s.9)
Cape - Kapa
Cape fur seal - tau ya lewatle
Cape fur seal - tau ya metsi
Cape ground squirrel - lesamane
Cape Town - Kapa
Cape Town - Motse Kapa
capital (city) - motsemoholo (s.3) metsemoholo (pl.4)
capture - hapa
captured - hapile
car - koloi (s.9) dikoloi (pl.10)
car - mmotokara (s.9) dimmotokara (pl.10)
car - motokara (s.9) dimotokara (pl.10)
car - motorokara (s.9) dimotorokara (pl.10)
caracal - thoane
caravan (<Eng.) - karavane (s.9) dikaravane (pl.10)
care (v.) - tlhokomelo
cared (be ... for) (v.) - hlokomelwa
carefulness - hloko
caress (v.) - pholla
caress (v.) - qekisa
carnivore - sebatana (s.7) dibatana (pl.8)
carpet - tapeite (s.9) ditapeite (pl.10)
carried (become ...) (v.) - jarwa
carried (become ...) (v.) - rwalwa
carried (being ...) (v.) - jerwe
carried (being ...) (v.) - rwetse
carried (have ...) (v.) - jere
carried (have ...) (v.) - rwetse
carrier of disease - motho ya nang le tshwaetso
carrot - sehwete (s.9) dihwete (pl.10)
carry (cause to ...) (v.) - jarisa
carry (cause to ...) (v.) - rwadisa
carry (v.) - jara
carry (v.) - rwala
carry a burden (v.) - unyapa
carry on back (v.) - pepa
carry on lap (v.) - sikara
cart - kariki (s.9) dikariki (pl.10)
case - taba (s.9) ditaba (pl.10)
cast (be ...) (v.) - akgelwa
cast (be ...) (v.) - bopjwa
cast (v.) - akgela
cast (v.) - bopa
cast (was ...) (v.) - akgetswe
cast (was ...) (v.) - bopilwe
castle - kasetlele (s.9) dikasetlele (pl.10)
cat - katse (s.9) dikatse (pl.10)
catch (v.) - nanabela
catch (v.) - nanabetsa
catch (v.) - tshwara
catch fish (v.) - tshwasa
cattle - kgomo (s.9) dikgomo (pl.10)
causative verb - leetsisi (s.5) maetsisi (pl.6)
cause (n.) - lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6)
cause (v.) - baka
cause (v.) - qala
caution - hlokomela
cave - lehaha (s.5) mahaha (pl.6)
cavity - lehaha (s.5) mahaha (pl.6)
cemetery - mabitleng (s.6)
certain (01) (adj.) - e mong
certain (02) (adj.) - ba bang
certain (03) (adj.) - o mong
certain (04) (adj.) - e meng
certain (05) (adj.) - le leng
certain (06) (adj.) - a mang
certain (07) (adj.) - se seng
certain (08) (adj.) - tse ding
certain (09) (adj.) - e nngwe
certain (10) (adj.) - tse ding
certain (14) (adj.) - bo bong
certain (15) (adj.) - ho hong
certain people - batho ba bang
certainly - ruri
certainly not! - le ho leka!
chafe - phumola
chair - setulo (s.7) ditulo (pl.8)
chairperson - modulasetulo (s.1)
chameleon - lempetje (s.5) mampetje (pl.6)
change (be ...) - fetolwa
change (v.) - fetoha
change (v.) - fetola
chaos - moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4)
chase - leleka
chase for a long time (v.) - utela
chat (v.) - qoqa
cheat - qhekanyetsa
check-up - hlahlobo
cheek - lerama (s.5) marama (pl.6)
cheese - kase (s.9) dikase (pl.10)
cheetah - lengau (s.5) mangau (pl.6)
chemist (person) - mokhemisi (s.1) bakhemisi (pl.2)
chemist (place) - khemisi (s.9) dikhemisi (pl.10)
chest - sefuba (s.7) difuba (pl.8)
chew - hlafuna
chicken - kgoho (s.9) dikgoho (pl.10)
chicken - nama (s.9) ya kgoho
chief - morena (s.1) marena (pl.6)
chieftainess - kgosana (s.9) dikgosana (pl.10)
child - ngwana (s.1a) bana (pl.2)
childhood - bongwana
children - bana (pl.2)
chimney - tjhemele (s.9) ditjhemele (pl.10)
chin - seledu (s.7) diledu (pl.8)
China - Tjhaena
China - Tjhaena (9)
chips - ditjhipisi (pl.10)
chisel (<Eng) - tjhesele (s.9) ditjhesele (pl.10)
chocolate (<Eng) - tjhokolete (s.9) ditjhokolete (pl.10)
choose - kgetha
chop - rema
chop for - remela
chopped - remme
chopped (be ...) - rengwa
chopped (has been ...) - renngwe
Christ - Keresete
Christ - Kreste
christian (adj.) - bokeresete
christian (adj.) - bokreste
christian (person) - mokeresete (s.1) bakeresete (pl.2)
christian (person) - mokreste (s.1) bakreste (pl.2)
Christmas - Keresemese
chronic disease - bohloko bo diqebo
chronic disease - lefu le se nang pheko
church - kereke (s.9) dikereke (pl.10)
cinema - baesekopo (s.9)
circumcise - bolotsa
circumcision - polotso
circumvent - pota
circus - serekisi (s.7)
citizen - moahi (s.1) baahi (pl.2)
civet - leqaqane
civilization - tswelopele
clad - apere
clap (v.) - tlelapa
classify - hlophisa
classroom - phaposi (s.9)
clay - letsopa (s.5) matsopa (pl.6)
clay pot - nkgo (s.9) dinkgo (pl.10)
clean (adj.) - hlwekile
clean (become ...) - hlweka
clean (is ...) - hlwekile
clean (v.) - hlwekisa
clean (wipe ...) (v.) - hlakola
clear (be ...) - bonahala
clear (become ...) - totobala
clear sky - lehodimo le hlakile
clear up - sa
cleared (has ...) - sele
clerk - tlelereke (s.9) ditlelereke (pl.10)
climb - hlwa
climb for - hlwela
climb to - hlwella
cling (to) - mamarela
clinic - tleliniki (s.9) ditleliniki (p.10)
clock - tleloko (s.9) ditleloko (pl.10)
close (adv.) - haufi
close (v.) - kwala
close to - haufi le
cloth - lelapi (s.5) malapi (pl.6)
cloth - lesela (s.5) masela (pl.6)
clothes - diaparo
clothing - diaparo
cloud - leru (s.5) maru (pl.6)
cloudburst - sekgohola
coat - baki (s.9) dibaki (pl.10)
coat - jase (s.9) dijase (pl.10)
coax - qekisa
cock - mokoko (s.3) mekoko (pl.4)
cockroach - lephela (s.5) maphela (pl.6)
co-existence - kahisano
coffee - kofi (s.9) dikofi (pl.10)
coil (v.) - hara
cold - serame (s.7) dirame (pl.8)
cold (be ...) - bata
cold (feel ...) - hatsela
colddrink - senomaphodi (s.7) dinomaphodi (pl.8)
collect - bokella
college - kholetjhe (s.9) dikholetjhe (pl.10)
collision - ho thulana
colour - mmala (s.3) mebala (pl.4)
come - tla
come - tloho
come from - tswa
come to the rescue to (v.) - phallela
comfort - matshediso
comfort (v.) - tshedisa
command (n.) - taelo (s.9) ditaelo (pl.10)
command (v.) - laela
command oneself - itaela
commandment - molao (s.3) melao (pl.4)
commerce - bohwebi
community care - tlhokomelo ka baahi
compare - lekanya
compare - tshwantsha
compensate - putsa
compensation - puseletso (s.9) dipuseletso (pl.10)
complete - phetha
complete - phetha
complete (be ...) - felletse
compost (Afr: kompos) - kompose (s.9) dikompose (pl.10)
compound - kompone (s.9) dikompone (pl.10)
comprehension - kutlwisiso
computer - khomputa (s.9) dikhomputa (pl.10)
conceal - pata
conceal oneself - ipata
conceive - emara
concern (v.) - ama
concern (v.) - toba
concerning - ha e le
conclude (v.) - qetella
condition - boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6)
condom - khondomo (s.9) dikhondomo (pl.10)
conduct (n.) - boitshwaro
conduct (v.) - bintsha
conference - phutheho (s.9) diphutheho (pl.10)
confidential - lekunutu
confidential - sephiri
confidentiality - ho tshepela lekunutu
confiscate (v.) - hapa
confusion - moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4)
congratulations - re a o lebohela
congregation - phutheho (s.9) diphutheho (pl.10)
conquer (v.) - fekisa
conquer (v.) - hlola
conquered (be ...) (v.) - hlolwa
consciousness - boikutlo (s.14) maikutlo (pl.6)
conserve (v.) - boloka
consider (v.) - nahana
consider (v.) - tadima
consonant - tumammoho (s.9) ditumammoho (pl.10)
conspire (v.) - kunuta
constitution - molaotheo (s.3) melaotheo (pl.4)
consult (v.) - rerisa
contact (n.) - kamano (s.9) dikamano (pl.10)
contact (v.) - kopana
contest (v.) - tseka
continue - twela pele
contract (n.) - boitlamo
contract (n.) - konteraka (s.9) dikonteraka (pl.10)
contract (v.) - finyetsa
contract (v.) - honyela
control (v.) - laola
conversation - moqoqo (s.3) meqoqo (pl.4)
conversation - puisano (s.9) dipuisano (pl.10)
converse (v.) - buisana
converse (v.) - qoqa
cook (v.) - pheha
cook for - phehela
cook for oneself - iphehela
cooked (be.) - phehwa
cool (become ...) - phola
cool (is ...) - phodile
copulative - leba
copulative - leba-kamanyo
cord - mohala (s.3) mehala (pl.4)
correct (v.) - laya
correct (v.) - lokisa
correct (v.) - nepisa
correct (v.) - tshwaya
correct a person (v.) - upa
corrugated iron - lesenke (s.5) masenke (pl.6)
cough (v.) - hohlola
could - ke
counselling - keletso ya kgothatso
counsellor - moeletsi
counsellor - motataisi
counsellor - motshehetsi
count - bala
count (cause/teach to) - badisa
count (together) - balella
count for - balla
counted (be ... for) - ballwa
counted (be ...) - balwa
country - lefatshe (s.5) mafatshe (pl.6)
country - naha (s.9) dinaha (pl.10)
courage - bohale
courage - sebete
court (n.) - lekgotla (s.5) makgotla (pl.6)
court (v.) - bonya
court case - nyewe (s.9) dinyewe (pl.10)
court-yard - lebala (s.5) mabala (pl.6)
cousin - motswala (s.1) botswala (pl.2)
cover (v.) - kwahela
cow - kgomo (s.9) dikgomo (pl.10)
crab - lekgala (s.5) makgala (pl.6)
crave for - labalabela
crawl (v.) - kgasa
crawl towards (v.) - kgasetsa
cream - lebejana (s.5) mabejana (pl.6)
create (v.) - bopa
created (be ...) (v.) - bopjwa
created (have ...) (v.) - bopile
Creator - Mmopi
cripple - seritsa (s.7) diritsa (pl.8)
crisis - moseneke
crockery - dijana (pl.8)
crocodile - kwena (s.9) dikwena (pl.10)
crook - senokwane (s.7) dinkowane (pl.8)
crooked - kgopo
cross - sefapano (s.7) difapano (pl.8)
cross (become ... with oneself) (v.) - ikgalefela
cross (become ...) (v.) - halefa
crow - lekgwaba (s.5) makgwaba (pl.6)
crown (n.) - kgare (s.9) dikgare (pl.10)
crown (n.) - korone (s.9) dikorone (pl.10)
cruel - kgopo
cruel - lonya
crush (v.) - bjaratsa
crush (v.) - pitla
crushed mealies - kgereisi
cry (v.) - lla
cuddle (v.) - haka
cunning - masene
cup - kopi (s.9) dikopi (pl.10)
cupboard - khabete (s.9) dikhabete (pl.10)
cure (n.) - pheko
cure (n.) - phodiso
cure (v.) - fodisa
cure (v.) - phekola
cushion - mosamo (s.3) mesamo (pl.4)
custom - moetlo (s.3) meetlo (pl.4)
customer - moreki (s.1) bareki (pl.2)
cut (v.) - seha
cut (wound) (n.) - leqeba
cut hair (v.) - kuta
cut into small pieces (v.) - beka
cut off (v.) - poma
cut open (v.) - qhaqha
cutlery - mpjhane

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