dam - letamo (s.5) matamo (pl.6)
damage (n.) - kotsi (s.9) dikotsi (pl.10)
damage (n.) - tshenyeho (s.9) ditshenyeho (pl.10)
damage (n.) - tshenyeleho (s.9) ditshenyeleho (pl.10)
damage (v.) - senya
dance (v.) - tantsha
dark (01) (adj.) - e motsho
dark (02) (adj.) - ba batsho
dark (03) (adj.) - o motsho
dark (04) (adj.) - e metsho
dark (05) (adj.) - le letsho
dark (06) (adj.) - a matsho
dark (07) (adj.) - se setsho
dark (08) (adj.) - tse ntsho
dark (09) (adj.) - e ntsho
dark (10) (adj.) - tse ntsho
dark (14) (adj.) - bo botsho
dark colour - mmala o fifetseng
darkness - lefifi (s.5) mafifi (pl.6)
dart (about) (v.) - tjhalaka
dassie - pela (s.9) dipela (pl.10)
date - mohla
daughter - moradi (s.1) baradi (pl.2)
daughter-in-law - ngwetsi (s.1a)
dawn - meso
dawn (at ...) - ka meso
day - letsatsi (s.5) matsatsi (pl.6)
day - mohla (s.3) mehla (pl.4)
day after tomorrow - letsatsi le latelang hosasa (s.5)
day before yesterday - maoba
dazzle - fahla
dead (the ...) - badimo
dead person - mofu (s.1) bafu (pl.2)
death - lefu
debt - mokitlane (s.3) mekitlane (pl.4)
debt - molato (s.3) melato (pl.4)
debt - sekoloto (s.7) dikoloto (pl.8)
deceit - thetso
deceive (v.) - thetsa
December - Tshitwe
decent (adj.) - kgabane
decent person - kgabane (s.9) dikgabane (pl.10)
decide (v.) - etsa qeto
decorate (v.) - kgabisa
decrease (v.) - fokotseha
deed - ketso (s.9) diketso (pl.10)
deep - tebile
deep (become ...) - teba
deep freeze - sehatsetsi (s.7) dihatsetsi (pl.8)
deep inside - motsheo
defend (v.) - emela
defend oneself (v.) - ikemela
delay (v.) - dieha
delirious (be ...) - phofa
deliver (baby) (v.) - beleha
demolish (v.) - heletsa
demolish (v.) - qhaqha
demonstrative pronoun (01) that - eno
demonstrative pronoun (01) that (yonder) - yane
demonstrative pronoun (01) this - enwa
demonstrative pronoun (02) these - bana
demonstrative pronoun (02) those - bano
demonstrative pronoun (02) those (yonder) - bane
demonstrative pronoun (03) that - ono
demonstrative pronoun (03) that (yonder) - wane
demonstrative pronoun (03) this - ona
demonstrative pronoun (04) these - ena
demonstrative pronoun (04) those - eno
demonstrative pronoun (04) those (yonder) - yane
demonstrative pronoun (05) that - leno
demonstrative pronoun (05) that (yonder) - lane
demonstrative pronoun (05) this - lena
demonstrative pronoun (06) these - ana
demonstrative pronoun (06) those - ano
demonstrative pronoun (06) those (yonder) - ane
demonstrative pronoun (07) that - seno
demonstrative pronoun (07) that (yonder) - sane
demonstrative pronoun (07) this - sena
demonstrative pronoun (08) these - tsena
demonstrative pronoun (08) those - tseno
demonstrative pronoun (08) those (yonder) - tsane
demonstrative pronoun (09) that - eno
demonstrative pronoun (09) that (yonder) - yane
demonstrative pronoun (09) this - ena
demonstrative pronoun (10) these - tsena
demonstrative pronoun (10) those - tseno
demonstrative pronoun (10) those (yonder) - tsane
demonstrative pronoun (14) that - bono
demonstrative pronoun (14) that (yonder) - bane
demonstrative pronoun (14) this - bona
demonstrative pronoun (15) that - hono
demonstrative pronoun (15) that (yonder) - hane
demonstrative pronoun (15) this - hona
denial - ho se amohele
denial - kgano
denial - tatolo
deny (v.) - hana
department - lefapha (s.5) mafapha (pl.6)
depict (v.) - tshwantsha
deposit (v.) - beheletsa
depression - ho tetebela maikutlo
descend - theohela
descend (a hill) - theosa
desire - lakatsa
desire much - labalabela
destroy (v.) - ripitla
destroy (v.) - senya
dew - phoka
diarrhoea - letshollo
dictionary - bukantswe (s.9) dibukantswe (pl.10)
dictionary (<Eng) - tikishinare (s.9) ditikishinare (pl.10)
die - shwa
die (cause to ...) - shwesa
differ - fapana
difference - phapang (s.9) diphapang (pl.10)
different (01) - osele
different (02) - basele
different (03) - osele
different (04) - esele
different (05) - lesele
different (06) - asele
different (07) - sesele
different (08) - disele
different (09) - esele
different (10) - disele
different (14) - bosele
different (15) - hosele
different (be ...) - tse fapaneng
difficult - boima
difficult - thata
difficult (it is ...) - ho boima
difficult (it is ...) - ho thata
difficult work - mosebetsi o boima
difficult work - mosebetsi o thata
dig (v.) - epa
dig (v.) - tjheka
dig in (v.) - epela
dig out (v.) - upolla
dilligence - kgothalo
dilligence - mafolofolo
dilligent - kgothetse
dilligent (become ...) - kgothala
diminish - fokotseha
dining room - kamore ya ho jela
direct (v.) - laetsa
direct towards (v.) - lebisa
direction - nqa (s.9) dinqa (pl.10)
disappear (v.) - dikela
disappear (v.) - mph
disappear (v.) - nyamela
disconnect - arohanya
discriminate (v.) - kgetholla
discrimination - kgethollo
discuss (v.) - qoqa
disease - bohloko
disease - bolwetse
disease - lefu
dish - sejana (s.7) dijana (pl.8)
dish cloth - fatuku (s.9) difatuku (pl.10)
dish cloth - lesela la dijana
dish up (food) (v.) - tshola
dishwasher - sehlatswadijana (s.7) dihlatswadijana (pl.8)
disinclined (feel ...) - tswafa
dislike (v.) - nena
disliked (v.) - nenne
dismantle (v.) - qhaqha
disperse (v.) - hasanya
disperse (v.) - qhala
dispute - kgang (s.9) dikgang (pl.10)
dispute (have ...) - pheha kgang
distance - bohole
distance - sebaka
distress (n.) - tsietsi (s.9) ditsietsi (pl.10)
distress (v.) - tsietsa
ditch - lengope (s.5) mangope (pl.6)
divide (v.) - arola
divided (be ...) - arohane
division - lekala (s.5) makala (pl.6)
dizzy - thekesela
do (v.) - etsa
do for (v.) - etsetsa
do insufficiently (v.) - unyetsa
do not - se ke
do on behalf of (v.) - etsetsa
doctor - ngaka (s.9) dingaka (pl.10)
does (what he / she ...) - seo a se etsang
dog - ntja (s.9) dintja (pl.10)
donate blood - ho fana ka madi
done (be ...) - etswa
donkey - tonki (s.9) ditonki (pl.10)
don't - se ke
door - lemati (s.5)
door opening - monyako (s.3) menyako (pl.4)
doorway - monyako (s.3) menyako (pl.4)
doubt (n.) - pelaelo (s.9) dipelaelo (pl.10)
doubt (n.) - potang (s.9) dipotang (pl.10)
doubt (there is no ...) - ha ho potang
doubt (v.) - belaela
dove - leeba (s.5)
dozen - tosene (s.9) ditosene (pl.10)
dragon - kgodumodumo (s.9) dikgodumodumo (pl.10)
Drakensberg mountains - Maloti
draw (v.) - ntsha
draw (v.) - tshwantsha
dream (n.) - toro (s.9) ditoro (pl.10)
dream (v.) - lora
dress (n.) - mose (s.3) mese (pl.4)
dress (v.) - apara
dressed (v.) - apere
dressed (well ...) - kgabane
dressing table - tafole e nang le seipone (s.9)
drill (n.) (<Afr: boor) - boro
drill (v.) (<Afr: boor) - bora
drink (cause to ...) (v.) - nwesa
drink (n.) - seno (s.7) dino (pl.8)
drink (v.) - nwa
drinking vessel - sekhona (s.7) dikhona (pl.8)
drive (v.) - kganna
drive an animal only halfway (v.) - unyetsa
drive away (v.) - utela
driver - moqhobi (s.1) baqhobi (pl.2)
driveway - tsela ya motokara
drizzle (n.) - lefafatsane
drop (into / for) - dihela
drop (v.) - diha
drought - komello
drown (v.) - nwella
drowsy - otsela
drug (n.) - sethethefatsi
drug (n.) (medication) - setlhare
drug addict - lekgoba la dithethefatsi
drug addiction - bokgoba ba dithethefatsi
drunk (be ... by) (v.) - nowa ke
drunkenness - botahwa
dry (become ...) (v.) - oma
dry (v.) - omisa
dry grass - hlaha
dry up (v.) - pjha
duck (n.) - pidipidi (s.9) dipidipidi (pl.10)
duck (v.) - qoba
duiker - phuthi
dump (v.) - lahla
dung - moitedi
Durban - Thekong
dust - lerole (s.5) marole (pl.6)
dustpan - pane ya dithole (s.9)
duty - gafa (s.9) digafa (pl.10)
duty - tokelo (s.9) ditokelo (pl.10)
duty - tshwanelo (s.9) ditshwanelo (pl.10)
dwelling - bodulo
dwindle - fokotseha

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