habit - mokgwa (s.3) mekgwa (pl.4)
habituate - tlwaetsa
haemophilia - ho se hlwebe ha madi
haemophilia (<Eng.) - himofilia
haemophiliac - motho ya madi a sa hlwebeng
hail - sefako
hair - moriri (s.3) meriri (pl.4)
half - halofo (s.9) dihalofo (pl.10)
half price - halofo ya tefello
hamburger - hambeka (s.9) dihambeka (pl.10)
hammer (<Eng/Afr: hammer) - hamore (s.9) dihamore (pl.10)
hand - letsoho (s.5) matsoho (pl.6)
handicapped person - sehole (s.7) sihole (pl.8)
happy birthday - letsatsi le monate la tswalo
hare - mmutla (s.3)
harm - kotsi (s.9) dikotsi (pl.10)
harm - lebote (s.5) mabote (pl.6)
harm (there is no ...) - ha ho lebote
Harrismith - Thaba Ntsho
hartbees - kgama (s.9) dikgama (pl.10)
has - ile
hasten (v.) - phakisa
hat - katiba (s.9) dikatiba (p.10)
hate (v.) - hloya
hate (v.) - ila
hate (v.) - nyonya
hated (v.) - hloile
have - ile
have (own) - na le
have received (they ...) - ba ile ba fumana
hawk - pakwe (s.9) dipakwe (pl.10)
he - yena
he / she (01) (absolute pronoun) - yena
head - hlooho (s.9) dihlooho (p.10)
head in - hlohong
headman - letona (s.5) matona (pl.6)
health worker - mosebeletsi wa tsa bophelo bo botle
hear (v.) - utlwa
hear each other (v.) - utlwana
hear good (v.) - utlwisisa
hear oneself (v.) - ikutlwa
heard each other (v.) - utlwane
hearing - kutlo
heart - pelo (s.9) dipelo (pl.10)
hearth - leifo (s.5) maifo (pl.6)
hearth (at the ...) - ifo
heavy (weight) - boima
heavy rain - pula e matla
hedge - lerako
hedgehog - tlhong
heel - serethe
helicopter (<Eng.) - helikopotare (s.9) dihelikopotare (pl.10)
hello (<Eng.) - helele
hello (plural) - dumelang
hello (singular) - dumela
hello there (<Eng.) - hela
help - thusa
help (n.) - thuso (s.9) dithuso (pl.10)
helper - mothusi (s.1) bathusi (pl.2)
hen's nest - serobe (s.7) dirobe (pl.8)
her mother - mmae (s.1) bommae (pl.2)
herbalist (doctor) - ngaka (s.9) dingaka (pl.10)
herbalist (medicine) - rameriana (s.1)
herbivore - nyamatsane (s.9) dinyamatsane (pl.10)
herbs - senoko (s.7) dinoko (pl.8)
herd (v.) - disa
herd for (v.) - disetsa
herdboy - modisa (s.1) badisa (pl.2)
herded (have ...) - disitse
here - mona
here - teng
hero - mohale (s.1) bahale (pl.2)
heroin (drug) - hiroine
hesitate (v.) - belaela
hesitate (v.) - qeaqea
heterosexual - motho ya ratang ba bong bo sa tshwaneng le ba hae
hey - hee
hide (v.) - pata
hide oneself (v.) - ipata
hill - leralla (s.5) maralla (pl.6)
hill (lit. small mountain) - thabana (s.9) dithabana (pl.10)
himself - boyena
himself - yena ka nama
hip - noka (s.9) dinoka (pl.10)
hippopotamus - kubu (s.9) dikubu (pl.10)
his - hae
his mother - mmae (s.1) bommae (pl.2)
hit (v.) - otla
hit (v.) - shapa
hit oneself (v.) - itjhapa
HIV infection - tshwaetso ya HIV
HIV negative - ho se be le HIV
HIV positive - ho ba le HIV
HIV-infected person - motho ya tshwaeditsweng ke HIV
hoarse - makgerehlwa
hoe - mohoma
hoe (v.) - hlaola
hoe for (v.) - hlaolela
hold (v.) - tshwara
hole (deep ...) - mokoti (s.3) mekoti (pl.4)
hole (through something) - lesoba (s.5) masoba (pl.6)
Holy Spirit - Moya o Halalelang
home - lehae (s.5) mahae (pl.6)
homosexual - letipa (s.5) matipa (pl.6)
homosexual (adj.) - botabane
honey - mahe a dinotshi (s.6)
honour - bokgabane
honour - tlotliso
honour (v.) - rorisa
honour (v.) (show respect) - hlompha
hoof - tlhako (s.9) ditlhako (pl.10)
hook-lipped rhinoceros - tshukudu e molomo wa haka
hope (n.) - tshepo
hope (v.) - tshepa
hopping (of a bull frog) - pharu
horn (of animal) - lenaka (s.5) manaka (pl.6)
hornless - tjhitja
horse - pere (s.9) dipere (pl.10)
hosepipe - lethopo
hospital - sepetlele (s.7) dipetlele (pl.8)
hotel - hotele (s.9) dihotele (pl.10)
hour - hora (s.9) dihora (pl.10)
house - ntlo (s.9) dintlo (pl.1)
household - lelapa (s.5) malapa (pl.6)
how - jwang
how are you? (lit: where are you?) - o kae?
how big ! (01) - e mokaakang !
how big ! (02) - ba bakaakang !
how big ! (03) - o mokaakang !
how big ! (04) - e mekaakang !
how big ! (05) - le lekaakang !
how big ! (06) - a makaakang !
how big ! (07) - se sekaakang !
how big ! (08) - tse kaakang !
how big ! (09) - e kaakang !
how big ! (10) - tse kaakang !
how big ! (14) - bo bokaakang !
how big ! (15) - ho hokaakang !
how big ? (01) - e mokae ?
how big ? (02) - ba bakae ?
how big ? (03) - o mokae ?
how big ? (04) - e mekae ?
how big ? (05) - le lekae ?
how big ? (06) - a makae ? 1
how big ? (07) - se sekae ?
how big ? (08) - tse kae ?
how big ? (09) - e kae ?
how big ? (10) - tse kae ?
how big ? (14) - bo bokae ?
how big ? (15) - ho hokae ?
how much ? (01) - e mokae ?
how much ? (02) - ba bakae ?
how much ? (03) - o mokae ?
how much ? (04) - e mekae ?
how much ? (05) - le lekae ?
how much ? (06) - a makae ? 2
how much ? (07) - se sekae ?
how much ? (08) - tse kae ?
how much ? (09) - e kae ?
how much ? (10) - tse kae ?
how much ? (14) - bo bokae ?
how much ? (15) - ho hokae ?
however - kwana
hug - kopa
huge (01) (adj.) - e motonana
huge (02) (adj.) - ba batonana
huge (03) (adj.) - o motonana
huge (04) (adj.) - e metonana
huge (05) (adj.) - le letonana
huge (06) (adj.) - a matonana
huge (07) (adj.) - se setonana
huge (08) (adj.) - tse ditonana
huge (09) (adj.) - e tonana
huge (10) (adj.) - tse ditonana
huge (14) (adj.) - bo botonana
human rights - ditokelo tsa botho
humaneness - botho
humble (become ...) (v.) - kokobela
humbleness - boikokobetso
humility - boikokobetso
hundred - lekgolo
hunger - ho lapa
hunger - tlala
hungry (be ...) (v.) - lapile
hungry (become ...) (v.) - lapa
hungry (I am ...) (v.) - ke lapile
hunt (v.) - tsoma
hunting party - letsholo (s.5) matsholo (pl.6)
hurricane - setsokotsane (s.7) ditsokotsane (pl.8)
hurry (v.) - phakisa
hurry (v.) - tata
husband - mohatsa (s.1)
husky - makgerehlwa
hut - motlotlwane (s.3) metlotlwane (pl.4)
hyena - phiri (s.9) diphiri (pl.10)
hymn - sefela (s.7) difela (pl.8)
hypodermic needle - nale ya tlhabo
hypodermic syringe - sepeiti

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