nail (<Afr: spyker) - sepekere (s.7) dipekere (pl.8)
naked - ponopono
name - lebitso (s.5) mabitso (pl.6)
nation - setjhaba (s.7) ditjhaba (pl.8)
nature - tlhaho
NB - ela hloko
near - haufi
near - pela
near (be ...) (v.) - bapa
near to - haufi le
nearly - batlile
neat - kgabane
neat (be ...) (lit. love oneself) (v.) - ithata
neatness - makgethe
neck - molala (s.3) melala (pl.4)
necklace - sefaha (s.7) difaha (pl.8)
need (n.) - lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6)
need (v.) - hloka
needed (be ...) (v.) - hlokahala
nephew - motjhana (s.1) batjhana (pl.2)
nest (n.) - sehlaha (s.7) dihlaha (pl.8)
new (01) (adj.) - e motjha
new (02) (adj.) - ba batjha
new (03) (adj.) - o motjha
new (04) (adj.) - e metjha
new (05) (adj.) - le letjha
new (06) (adj.) - a matjha
new (07) (adj.) - se setjha
new (08) (adj.) - tse ntjha
new (09) (adj.) - e ntjha
new (10) (adj.) - tse ntjha
new (14) (adj.) - bo botjha
new year - selemo se setjha
New Year's Day - Selemo se Setjha
newspaper (<Afr: koerant) - koranta (s.9) dikoranta (pl.10)
next year - isao
nicely - hantle
niceness - monate (s.3) menate (pl.4)
niece - motjhana (s.1) batjhana (pl.2)
nine - robong
nineteen - leshome le metso e robong
ninety - mashome a robong
ninth - borobong
no - tjhee
no entrance - ha ho kenwe
no smoking - ha ho tsubiwe
noise - lerata (s.5) marata (pl.6)
nomad - moroba (s.3) meroba (pl.4)
nominal relative - leamanyi la lebitso
north - leboya
nose - nko (s.9) dinko (pl.10)
not - ha
not - ka
not yet - eso
notice (n.) - tsebiso (s.9) ditsebiso (pl.10)
notice (v.) - elellwa
notify (v.) - tsebisa
noun - lebitso (s.5) mabitso (pl.6)
November - Pudungwana
now - jwale
now and then - ka mohlomong
now then - jwale he
nowadays - mehleng ena
number - palo (s.9) dipalo (pl.10)
number (<Afr: nommer) - nomoro (s.9) dinomoro (pl.10)
numeral - palo (s.9) dipalo (pl.10)
nurse - mooki (s.1) baoki (pl.2)
nyala - phuthiatsana
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