sable antelope - kgama (s.9) dikgama (pl.10)
sabotage (<Eng/Afr) - sabotasi
saddle (<Afr: saal) - sale (s.9) disale (pl.10)
saddle up (v.) - qhaneha
said (have ...) - boletse
said (it is ...) - ho thwe
salesman - morekisi (s.1)
saliva - mathe (6)
salt - letswai (s.5) matswai (pl.6)
salt (v.) - noka
salted (be ...) (v.) - nokwa
salutation - tumediso (s.9) ditumediso (pl.10)
samango monkey (<Eng) - samanko
sand - lehlabathe
sandal - santale (s.9) disantale (pl.10)
sandpaper (<Eng) - santepheipha (s.9) disantepheipha (pl.10)
Sasolburg - Sosolo
satisfied (be ...) (v.) - kgotshe
satisfied (become ...) (v.) - kgora
satisfy (v.) - kgodisa
satisfy (v.) - kgotsofatsa
Saturday - Moqebelo
Saturday (<Afr: Saterdag) - Satertaha
saucer - porinki (s.9) diporinki (pl.10)
sausage (<Afr: wors) - boroso (s.9)
save (v.) - boloka
saviour - mopholosi (s.1) bapholosi (pl.2)
saw (<Afr: saag) - sakga (s.9) disakga (pl.10)
say (v.) - bolela
say (v.) - re
say (v.) - re
say (v.) - tjho
scale (<Afr: skaal) - sekala (s.7) dikala (pl.8)
scamper (v.) - tutumolotseha
scatter (cause to ...) (v.) - hasanya
scatter (cause to ...) (v.) - qhalakanya
scatter (v.) - hasa
scatter (v.) - hasana
scatter (v.) - qhala
scattered (be ...) (v.) - hasane
scattered (be ...) (v.) - qhalakane
school - sekolo (s.7) dikolo (pl.8)
school (at ...) - sekolong
science - bohlale (s.14) mahlale (pl.6)
science (<Eng) - saense
scissors (<Afr: sker) - sekere (s.7) dikere (pl.8)
scold (v.) - kgalemela
scold (v.) - nyatsa
scold (v.) - omanya
scoop (v.) - kga
scooped (be ...) (v.) - kguwa
scorpion - phepeng (s.9) diphepeng (pl.10)
scream (v.) - hoeletsa
screw (<Afr: skroef) - sekurufu (s.7) dikurufu (pl.8)
screwdriver (<Eng) - sekuruteraifa (s.7) dikuruteraifa (pl.8)
sea - lewatle (s.5)
seafood - dijo tsa lewatle (10)
seal (a leak) (v.) - thiba
seal (n.) - letshwao (s.5) matshwao (pl.6)
seat (Afr: stoel) - setulo (s.7) ditulo (pl.8)
seated (be ...) (v.) - dutse
second - bobedi
second (indication of time) - motsotswana
second time - kgetlo la bobedi
secret - lekunutu (s.5) makunutu (pl.6)
secret - sephiri (s.7) diphiri (pl.8)
secretary - mongodi (s.1) bangodi (pl.2)
secretary bird - kokolofitwe (s.9) dikokolofitwe (pl.10)
section - karolo (s.9) dikarolo (pl.10)
see (v.) - bona
see each other (v.) - bonana
see for oneself (v.) - iponela
see me (v.) - mpona
see oneself (v.) - ipona
seeable - bonahala
seek (v.) - batla
seek for (v.) - batlela
seen (have ...) (v.) - bone
seize (v.) - hapa
seized (v.) - hapile
self - ka nama
selfcontrol - boitshwaro
selfdefence - boitshireletso
self-injection - ho itlhaba ka nale
sell (v.) - rekisa
sell for (v.) - rekisetsa
semen - lero la botona
senator - rasenate
send (v.) - roma
sent (v.) - romme
sentence - poleleo (s.9) dipolelo (pl.10)
sentry (traditional) - sebohodi (s.7) dibohodi (pl.8)
separate (cause to ...) (v.) - arohanya
separate (v.) - arohana
separate (v.) - arola
separate from (to ...) (v.) - kgaohanya
September - Lwetse
seriously ill - ho kula haholo
seronegative - ho se be le tshwaetso
seropositive - ho ba le tshwaetso
serval - phaha
serval - qwako
serval - tlodi
servant - mosebeletsi (s.1) basebeletsi (pl.2)
set (sun) (v.) - dikela
settle (v.) - aha
settled (v.) - ahile
seven - supa
seventeen - leshome le metso e supileng
seventh - bosupa
seventy - mashome a supileng
sew (v.) - roka
sewing machine - motjhini wa ho roka (s.9)
sex (n.) - motabo
sex (n.) - thobalano
sexual - ya thobalano
sexual abuse - tshotlo ka thobalano
sexual intercourse - motabo
sexual intercourse - thobalano
sexually transmitted disease - lefu le tshwaetsang ka thobalano
shade - moriti (s.3) meriti (pl.4)
shadow - seriti (s.7) diriti (pl.8)
shake (v.) - hlohlora
shake (v.) - kgehlepa
shake (v.) - sisinya
shake oneself (v.) - itlhohlora
shame - dihlong
shape (n.) - sebopeho (s.7) dibopeho (pl.8)
shape (v.) - bopa
shark (<Eng) - shaka (s.9) dishaka (pl.10)
sharp - motsu
sharp (be ...) (v.) - tjhora
sharpen (v.) - leotsa
sharpen (v.) - tjhorisa
sharpness - bohale
sharpness - motsu
shave (v.) - beola
shave oneself (v.) - ipeola
shaved (v.) - beotse
shaver - lebeola (s.5) mabeola (pl.6)
she (absolute pronoun) - yena
shears (<Afr: sker) - sekere (s.7) dikere (pl.8)
shed - setala
sheep - nku (s.9) dinku (pl.10)
shelf (<Eng) - shelefo (s.9) dishelefo (pl.10)
shelter - tshireletso
shepherd - modisa (s.1) badisa (pl.2)
shield - thebe (s.9) dithebe (pl.10)
shin - moomo
shine (v.) - bentsha
shine (v.) - benya
shine (v.) - phatsima
ship (<Afr: skip) - sekepe (s.7) dikepe (pl.8)
shirt (<Afr: hemp) - hempe (s.9) dihempe (pl.10)
shit (vulgar) - masepa
shiver (v.) - qhaqhasela
shock (n.) - ho tshwarwa ke motlakase
shoe - seeta (s.7) dieta (pl.8)
shoot (v.) - thunya
shoot up (of plant) (v.) - thunya
shop (Afr: winkel) - lebenkele (s.5) mabenkele (pl.6)
shop (Afr: winkel) - levenkele (s.5) mavenkele (pl.6)
shopkeeper - ralebenkele
shopkeeper - ralevenkele
short (01) (adj.) - e mokgutshwanyane
short (02) (adj.) - ba bakgutshwanyane
short (03) (adj.) - o mokgutshwanyane
short (04) (adj.) - e mekgutshwanyane
short (05) (adj.) - le lekgutshwanyane
short (06) (adj.) - a makgutshwanyane
short (07) (adj.) - se sekgutshwanyane
short (08) (adj.) - tse kgutshwanyane
short (09) (adj.) - e kgutshwanyane
short (10) (adj.) - tse kgutshwanyane
short (14) (adj.) - bo bokgutshwanyane
short (be ... of) (v.) - haellwa
short (be ... of) (v.) - hloka
shortly - haufinyane
should - e ka kgona
should - tshwanetse
should be - e be
shoulder - lehetla (s.5) mahetla (pl.6)
shoulder blade - sephaka (s.7) diphaka (p.8)
shout (v.) - hoeletsa
shovel (<Eng) - shofolo
show (n.) - pontsho (s.9) dipontsho (pl.10)
show (v.) - bontsha
shown (be ...) (v.) - bontshwa
shown (have ...) (v.) - bontshitse
shrub - sehlahla (s.7) dihlahla (pl.8)
shut (being ...) (v.) - kwalwa
shut (should be ...) (v.) - kwalwe
shut (v.) - kwala
shut the door - kwala monyako
sick person - mokudi (s.1) bakudi (pl.2)
sickle (<Afr: sekel) - sekele
side - lehlakore (s.5) mahlakore (pl.6)
side - nqa
side (that ...) - nqane (< nqa yane)
side-striped jackal - phokojwe
sigh (v.) - sisa
sign (n.) - letshwao (s.5) matshwao (pl.6)
sign (v.) - saena
silence - kgutso
silent (be ...) (v.) - kgutsa
silent (ideophone) - tu
simulate (v.) - etsa ka
simulate (v.) - iketsisa
simulate death (v.) - tjhwesa
simultaneous - hammoho
simultaneously - hammoho
sin - sebe (s.7) dibe (pl.8)
since - ha esale
since - ho tloha
sincerity - nnete
sincerity - tiiso
sing (cause to) (v.) - bintsha
sing (v.) - bina
singer - sebini (s.7) dibini (pl.8)
sink (v.) - teba
sink in the ground (v.) - uta
sister - kgaitsedi (s.1) bokgaitsedi (pl.2)
sit - dula
situation - boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6)
six - tshelela
six o' clock - hora ya botshelela
sixteen - leshome le metso e tsheletseng
sixth - botshelela
sixty - mashome a tsheletseng
skin - letlalo (s.5) matlalo (pl.6)
skirt - sekethe (s.7) dikethe (pl.8)
sky - lehodimo (s.5) mahodimo (pl.6)
sky - sepakapaka
slap (ideophone) - bja
slap (ideophone) - ja
slap (v.) - tlelapa
sleep (n.) - boroko
sleep (put to ...) (v.) - robatsa
sleep (v.) - robala
slide (v.) - thella
slip (v.) - thella
slope - mothipoloha (s.3) methipoloha (pl.4)
slow - butle
slow person - leobu (s.5) maobu (pl.6)
slowly - butle
slowly let us go - ha re hate butle
small (01) (adj.) - e monyane
small (01) (adj.) - e monyenyane
small (02) (adj.) - ba banyane
small (02) (adj.) - ba banyenyane
small (03) (adj.) - o monyane
small (03) (adj.) - o monyenyane
small (04) (adj.) - e menyane
small (04) (adj.) - e menyenyane
small (05) (adj.) - le lenyane
small (05) (adj.) - le lenyenyane
small (06) (adj.) - a manyane
small (06) (adj.) - a manyenyane
small (07) (adj.) - se senyane
small (07) (adj.) - se senyenyane
small (08) (adj.) - tse nyane
small (08) (adj.) - tse nyenyane
small (09) (adj.) - e nyane
small (09) (adj.) - e nyenyane
small (10) (adj.) - tse nyane
small (10) (adj.) - tse nyenyane
small (14) (adj.) - bo bonyane
small (14) (adj.) - bo bonyenyane
small (15) (adj.) - ho honyane
small (15) (adj.) - ho honyenyane
small tribes - ditjhabana
small-spotted genet - tsipa e matheba a masesane
smear (v.) - tlotsa
smear on (v.) - tlola
smell - nkga
smile (n.) - pososelo
smile (v.) - bobotheha
smile (v.) - bososela
smoke - mosi
smoke (cause to ...) (v.) - tsubisa
smoke (v.) - tsuba
smoked (v.) - tsubile
snake - noha (s.9) dinoha (pl.10)
snatch (v.) - hapa
snatch (v.) - phamola
snatch away (v.) - utla
snatched (v.) - hapile
snatched (v.) - phamotse
sneeze (v.) - ithimola
snow - lehlwa
so much - hakaakang
so much - hakana
so much - kana
so that - hoba
soap (<Afr: seep) - sesepa (s.7) disepa (pl.8)
sock - kausu (pl.9) dikausu (pl.10)
sod - lekote (s.5) makote (pl.6)
sofa (<Eng) - sofa (s.9) disofa (pl.10)
soft - bonolo
softly - habonolo
softness - bonolo
soil - mobu (s.3) mebu (pl.4)
soldier - lesole (s.5) masole (pl.6)
solitude - bonnotshi
some - ba bang
some day - ka tsati le leng
somebody - mong
somebody (to ...) - ho mong
something - letho
somewhere - kaekae
son - mora (s.1) bara (pl.2)
song - pina (s.9) dipina (pl.10)
song - sefela (s.7) difela (pl.8)
son-in-law - mokgwenyana (s.1) bakgwenyana (pl.2)
soon - haufinyane
soot - mosidi (s.3) mesidi (pl.4)
sorcery - boloi
sore - leqeba (s.5) maqeba (pl.6)
sorghum - mabele (6)
sorrow - bohloko
sorrow - mahlomola
sorrow - maswabi
sorry (be ...) - swabile
sorry (be ...) - utlwile bohloko
sorry (feel ...) - swaba
sort - mofuta (s.3) mefuta (pl.4)
Sotho culture - Sesotho
Sotho language - Sesotho
soul - moya (s.3) meya (pl.4)
sound - modumo (s.3) medumo (pl.4)
soup (<Afr: sop) - sopo (s.9) disopo (pl.10)
sour milk - mafi (s.6)
south - borwa
South Africa - Afrika Borwa
South America - Amerika Borwa
sow (v.) - jala
sowed (v.) - jetse
spade (<Afr: graaf) - kgarafu (s.9) dikgarafu (pl.10)
spanner (<Eng) - sepanere (s.7) dipanere (pl.8)
spark - tlhase (s.9) ditlhase (pl.10)
sparrow - thaha (s.9) dithaha (pl.10)
speak (cause to ...) (v.) - buisa
speak (v.) - bua
speak (v.) - kholoma
speak with each other (v.) - buisana
speaker - sebui (s.7) dibui (pl.8)
spear - lerumo (s.5) marumo (pl.6)
speed - lebelo
spider - sekgo (s.7) dikgo (pl.8)
spine - mokokotlo (s.3) mekokotlo (pl.4)
spinster - lefetwa (s.5) mafetwa (pl.6)
spirit - moya (s.3) meya (pl.4)
spirits - badimo
split (v.) - arohana
split (v.) - petsoha
spoon - kgaba (s.9) dikgaba (pl.10)
spotted hyaena - lefiritshwane
spotted hyaena - sentawana
spring (season) - selemo (s.7) dilemo (pl.8)
springbok - tshephe (s.9) ditshephe (pl.10)
springbuck - letsa (s.5) matsa (pl.6)
springbuck - tshephe (s.9) ditshephe (pl.10)
sprinkle (v.) - fafatsa
square-lipped rhino - tshukudu e molomo o sephara
stab (v.) - hlaba
stable (01) (adj.) - e motsitsitse
stable (02) (adj.) - ba batsitsitse
stable (03) (adj.) - o motsitsitse
stable (04) (adj.) - e metsitsitse
stable (05) (adj.) - le tsitsitsele
stable (06) (adj.) - a matsitsitse
stable (07) (adj.) - se setsitsitse
stable (08) (adj.) - tse tsitsitse
stable (09) (adj.) - e tsitsitse
stable (10) (adj.) - tse tsitsitse
stable (14) (adj.) - bo botsitsitse
stable (n.) - setala
stair - mohato (s.3) mehato (pl.4)
stamp (<Eng) - setempe (s.7) ditempe (pl.8)
stamp (v.) - hatisa
stamp out (v.) - fedisa
stand (v.) - ema
stand together (v.) - ema mmoho
stand together (v.) - tshehetsana
standing (n.) - boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6)
star - naledi (s.9) dinaledi (pl.10)
start (v.) - qala
started (have ...) - qadile
startle (v.) - nyarosa
startle (v.) - tshosa
startled (become ...) (v.) - nyarosa
startled (become ...) (v.) - tshosa
state (n.) - mmuso (s.3) mebuso (pl.4)
state (n.) - mobuso (s.3) mebuso (pl.4)
state (n.) - naha (s.9) dinaha (pl.10)
state (v.) - bolela
station (<Eng) - seteishene (s.7) diteishene (pl.8)
statue - seemahale (s.7) diemahale (pl.8)
stature - seemo
status - boemo (s.14) maemo (pl.6)
stay (v.) - hlola
stay (v.) - sala
stay (v.) (lit. sit) - dula
stayed (v.) - dutse
stayed (v.) - setse
steal (v.) - utlolla
steal (v.) - utswa
steam - nokana (s.9) dinokana (pl.10)
steenbok - thiane
stepladder (<Afr: leer) - lere
sterilise - ho bolaya dikokwanahloko
stick (n.) - thupa (s.9) dithupa (pl.10)
stick (v.) - kgomarela
stigma - sekgobo
stigmatise - ho beha sekgobo
still - nna
still - ntsekane
still - sa
still (adj.) - thotse
stirrup - moraho (s.3) meraho (pl.4)
stocking (<Afr: kous) - kausu (pl.9) dikausu (pl.10)
stole (v.) - utswitse
stomach - mpa (s.9) dimpa (pl.10)
stone - lejwe (s.5) majwe (pl.6)
stone (big / heavy ...) - pitla (s.9) ditpitla (pl.10)
stop (ideophone) - kgekgenene
stop (ideophone) - tlekelele
stop (v.) (lit: stand) - ema
stop (v.) (something) - thiba
stop abruptly (v.) - kgiritsa
stopped (v.) - eme
stork - mokotatsie (s.3)
storm - sefefo (s.7) difefo (s.8)
story - tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10)
stove (<Afr: stoof) - setofo (s.7) ditofo (pl.8)
strange (01) - osele
strange (02) - basele
strange (03) - osele
strange (04) - esele
strange (05) - lesele
strange (06) - asele
strange (07) - sesele
strange (08) - disele
strange (09) - esele
strange (10) - disele
strange (14) - bosele
strange (15) - hosele
stranger - moeti (s.1) baeti (pl.2)
strap - lerapo (s.5) marapo (pl.6)
strength - matla
stress - ho sithabela
stress (n.) - kgatello (s.9) dikgatello (pl.10)
stress (n.) - tiiso (s.9) ditiiso (pl.10)
stress (v.) - tiisa
stripe - moreto (s.3) mereto (pl.4)
stripe - motsero (s.3) metsero (pl.4)
strive (v.) - ikemisetsa
strong - matla
stronghold - qhobosheane
stuck (has ...) (v.) - kgomaretse
student - moithuti (s.1) baithuti (pl.2)
study (room) - kamore ya ho ithutela
study (v.) - ithuta
stupid person - sethoto (s.7) dithoto (pl.8)
stupidity - bothoto
subject concord (01) - o / a
subject concord (02) - ba
subject concord (03) - o
subject concord (04) - e
subject concord (05) - le
subject concord (06) - a
subject concord (07) - se
subject concord (08) - di
subject concord (09) - e
subject concord (10) - di
subject concord (14) - bo
subject concord (15) - ho
subside (v.) - kokobela
succeed (v.) - atleha
succeed (v.) - hlahlama
such - jwalo
such - kaalo
such as - jwale ka
such joy - thabo e kaalo
suddenly - kotokoto
suddenness - tshohanyetso
suffocate - bipetsana
sugar - tswekere (s.9) ditswekere (pl.10)
suit - sutu (s.9) disutu (pl.10)
suitcase (<Eng) - sutukheisi (s.9) disutukheisi (pl.10)
summer - lehlabula
sun - letsatsi (s.5) matsatsi (pl.6)
Sunday - Sontaha
suni - ntsekane
sunlight - kganya ya letsatsi
sunrise - ha letsatsi le tjhaba
sunset - ha letsatsi le dikela
superior - moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2)
superior - mookamedi (s.1) baokamedi (pl.2)
supermarket - suphamakethe (s.9) disuphamakethe (pl.10)
supervisor - moholo (s.1) baholo (pl.2)
support (v.) - tshehetsa
support group - sehlopha sa tshehetso
surpass (v.) - feta
surpass (v.) - hlola
surprise (n.) - tshohanyetso
surprise (v.) - makatsa
surprised (be ...) (v.) - maketse
surprised (become ...) (v.) - makala
surround (v.) - dika
suspend (v.) - emisa
swallow (n.) - lefokotsane (s.5) mafokotsane (pl.6)
swallow (v.) - kwenya
swallow (v.) - meta
swallowed (v.) - kwentse
swallowed (v.) - metsitse
Swaziland - Swatsing
swear (v.) - hlapanya
swear (v.) - rohaka
sweat (n.) - mofufutso
sweat (v.) - fufulelwa
sweep (v.) - fiela
sweet (adj.) - monate
sweet (adj.) - tswekere
sweet (n.) - pompong (s.9) dipompong (pl.10)
sweet drink - seno se tswekere
swift (adj.) - lebelo
swiftness - lebelo
swiftness - sekaja
swim (v.) - sesa
swimming bath - letshanyana (s.5) matshanyana (p.6)
swimming pool - letangwana la ho sesetsa
swimming pool - letsha la ho sesa
swollen gland - tshwelesa
symptom - letshwao
syndrome - pokellano ya matshwao a lefu
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