ugliness - bobe
ugly (01) (adj.) - e mobe
ugly (02) (adj.) - ba babe
ugly (03) (adj.) - o mobe
ugly (04) (adj.) - e mebe
ugly (05) (adj.) - le lebe
ugly (06) (adj.) - a mabe 2
ugly (07) (adj.) - se sebe
ugly (08) (adj.) - tse mpe
ugly (09) (adj.) - e mpe
ugly (10) (adj.) - tse mpe
ugly (14) (adj.) - bo bobe
unable - hlolela
unable - sitwa
unborn baby - lesea le eso tswalwe
uncertainty - potang
uncertainty - qeaqeo
uncle (father's older brother) - ntatemoholo (s.1a) bontatemoholo (pl.2a)
uncle (father's younger brother) - rangwane (s.1a) borangwane (pl.2a)
uncle (mother's brother) - malome (s.1a) bomalome (pl.2a)
under - tlaase
underneath - tlasa
understand - utlwisisa
undertake journey - nka leeto
undertake journey - wela tseleng
undress (v.) - hlobola
undress (v.) - tsola
unearth (v.) - upolla
unit - motso (s.3) metso (pl.4)
unite (v.) - kopana
unite (v.) - kopanya
united (v.) - kopane
united force - kgokanaphiri
unity - bonngwe
unity - kgokanaphiri
university (<Eng) - yunibesiti (s.9) diyunibesiti (pl.10)
university (<Eng) - yunivesiti (s.9) diyunivesiti (pl.10)
unnamed person - sepherephetjhane (s.7)
unsterilised needle - nale e nang le dikokwanhloko
untamed - hlaha
until - ho fihlela
untruth - leshano (s.5) mashano (pl.6)
up - hodimo
uproar - moferefere (s.3) meferefere (pl.4)
upwards - hodimo
urine - moroto
us (absolute pronoun) - rona
us (obj. concord) - re
USA - Amerika
usage - tshebediso

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© Jako Olivier (2006)