sa - clear up
sa - of (07) (possessive concord)
sa - still
sabotasi - sabotage (<Eng/Afr)
saena - sign (v.)
saense - science (<Eng)
sakga (s.9) disakga (pl.10) - saw (<Afr: saag)
sala - remain (v.)
sala - stay (v.)
sala hantle - good bye (to person staying)
sale (s.9) disale (pl.10) - saddle (<Afr: saal)
samanko - samango monkey (<Eng)
sane - demonstrative pronoun (07) that (yonder)
santale (s.9) disantale (pl.10) - sandal
santepheipha (s.9) disantepheipha (pl.10) - sandpaper (<Eng)
sarela - faint (cause to ...) (v.)
sarelwa - weak (become ... from bad news) (v.)
sarelwa - weak (become ... from hunger) (v.)
Satertaha - Saturday (<Afr: Saterdag)
se - already
se - objectival concord (07)
se - subject concord (07)
se ?e ? - which ? (07)
se ke - do not
se ke - don't
se sebe - bad (07) (adj.)
se sebe - ugly (07) (adj.)
se sefubedu - red (07) (adj.)
se seholo - big (07) (adj.)
se sekaakang ! - how big ! (07)
se sekae ? - how big ? (07)
se sekae ? - how much ? (07)
se sekana ka - as big as (07) (adj.)
se sekgunong - brown (light ...) (07) (adj.)
se sekgutshwanyane - short (07) (adj.)
se selelele - long (07) (adj.)
se selelele - tall (07) (adj.)
se seng - alone (07) (adj.)
se seng - certain (07) (adj.)
se senyane - little (07) (adj.)
se senyane - small (07) (adj.)
se senyenyane - small (07) (adj.)
se sepinki - pink (07) (adj.)
se seputswa - blue (07) (adj.)
se seputswa - grey (07) (adj.)
se sesehla - yellow (07) (adj.)
se sesesane - thin (07) (adj.)
se sesesane - tight (07) (adj.)
se sesootho - brown (dark ...) (07) (adj.)
se sesweu - white (07) (adj.)
se setala - green (07) (adj.)
se setenya - thick (07) (adj.)
se setjha - new (07) (adj.)
se setjhitja - round (07)
se setle - beautiful (07) (adj.)
se setle - good (07) (adj.)
se setle - pretty (07) (adj.)
se setona - male (07) (adj.)
se setonana - huge (07) (adj.)
se setshehadi - female (07) (adj.)
se setshehadi - feminine (07) (adj.)
se setsho - black (07) (adj.)
se setsho - dark (07) (adj.)
se setsitsitse - stable (07) (adj.)
Seafrekanse - Afrikaans culture
Seafrekanse - Afrikaans language
seahi (s.7) diahi (pl.8) - builder
seatla (s.7) diatla (pl.8) - palm
sebaka - distance
sebaka - opportunity
sebaka (s.7) dibaka (pl.8) - locality
sebaka (s.7) dibaka (pl.8) - position
sebapadi (s.7) - actor
sebata (s.7) dibata (pl.8) - beast
sebatana (s.7) dibatana (pl.8) - carnivore
sebe (s.7) dibe (pl.8) - sin
sebedisa - work (cause to ...) (v.)
sebele - real
sebele - reality
sebele - true
sebeletsa - work for (v.)
sebesaborotho (s.7) dibesaborotho (pl.8) - toaster
sebete - courage
sebete (s.7) dibete (pl.8) - liver
sebetsa - work (v.)
sebini (s.7) dibini (pl.8) - musician
sebini (s.7) dibini (pl.8) - singer
sebohodi (s.7) dibohodi (pl.8) - sentry (traditional)
sebohodi (s.7) dibohodi (s.8) - announcer
seboku - red grass
sebopeho (s.7) dibopeho (pl.8) - form (n.)
sebopeho (s.7) dibopeho (pl.8) - shape (n.)
sebopelo (s.7) dibopelo (pl.8) - mould (n.)
sebopi (s.7) dibopi (pl.8) - moulder
sebopi (s.7) dibopi (pl.8) - potter
sebui (s.7) dibui (pl.8) - speaker
sebuladithine (s.7) dibuladithine (pl.8) - tin opener
Seburu - Afrikaans culture (<Afr: Boer)
Seburu - Afrikaans language (<Afr: Boer)
sediba (s.7) didiba (pl.8) - fountain
sedibeng - fountain (at the ...)
seemahale (s.7) diemahale (pl.8) - monument
seemahale (s.7) diemahale (pl.8) - statue
seemo - stature
seemo (s.7) - looks (n.)
seemo se setle (s.7) - good looks
seeta (s.7) dieta (pl.8) - shoe
sefaha (s.7) difaha (pl.8) - bead
sefaha (s.7) difaha (pl.8) - necklace
sefahleho (s.7) difahleho (pl.8) - face
sefako - hail
sefapano (s.7) difapano (pl.8) - cross
sefate (s.7) difate (pl.8) - tree
sefefo (s.7) difefo (s.8) - storm
sefefo (s.7) difefo (s.8) - tempest
sefela (s.7) difela (pl.8) - hymn
sefela (s.7) difela (pl.8) - song
sefofane (s.7) difofane (pl.8) - aeroplane
sefofane (s.7) difofane (pl.8) - airplane
sefofu (s.7) difofu (pl.8) - blind person
Sefora - French language / culture
sefuba (s.7) difuba (pl.8) - chest
Segerike (s.7) - Greek language / culture
seha - cut (v.)
sehatsetsi (s.7) dihatsetsi (pl.8) - deep freeze
sehatsetsi (s.7) dihatsetsi (pl.8) - fridge
sehlaha (s.7) dihlaha (pl.8) - nest (n.)
sehlahla (s.7) dihlahla (pl.8) - shrub
sehlare (s.7) dihlare (pl.8) - medicine
sehlatswadijana (s.7) dihlatswadijana (pl.8) - dishwasher
sehlohlolo (s.7) dihlohlolo (pl.8) - top of hut
sehlola - prostitute
sehlopha (s.7) dihlopha (pl.8) - group
sehlopha sa tshehetso - support group
sehole (s.7) sihole (pl.8) - handicapped person
sehwapa (s.7) dihwapa (pl.8) - biltong
sehwete (s.9) dihwete (pl.10) - carrot
seila - taboo
seipone (s.7) diipone (pl.8) - mirror
sejalo - plant (n.)
sejana (s.7) dijana (pl.8) - bowl
sejana (s.7) dijana (pl.8) - dish
sejana (s.7) dijana (pl.8) - plate
sejaratshwaetso - infectious agent
Sejeremane - German (language/culture)
sejo (s.9) dijo (pl.10) - foodstuff
sekaja - swiftness
sekala (s.7) dikala (pl.8) - scale (<Afr: skaal)
sekapolelo (s.7) dikapolelo (pl.8) - idiomatic expression
sekele - sickle (<Afr: sekel)
sekepe (s.7) dikepe (pl.8) - ship (<Afr: skip)
sekere (s.7) dikere (pl.8) - scissors (<Afr: sker)
sekere (s.7) dikere (pl.8) - shears (<Afr: sker)
sekete - thousand
seketele (s.7) diketele (pl.8) - lump
sekethe (s.7) dikethe (pl.8) - skirt
seketswana (s.7) diketswana (pl.8) - boat
sekgo (s.7) dikgo (pl.8) - spider
sekgoba (s.7) dikgoba (pl.8) - lazy person
sekgobo - stigma
sekgohola - cloudburst
sekgohola - flood
sekgwa (s.7) dikgwa (pl.8) - forest
sekhona (s.7) dikhona (pl.8) - drinking vessel
sekolo (s.7) dikolo (pl.8) - school
sekolong - school (at ...)
sekoloto (s.7) dikoloto (pl.8) - debt
sekome - klipbokkie
sekome - klipspringer
sekomola - masturbate (vulgar) (v.)
sekurufu (s.7) dikurufu (pl.8) - screw (<Afr: skroef)
sekuruteraifa (s.7) dikuruteraifa (pl.8) - screwdriver (<Eng)
sekwahelo (s.7) dikwahelo (pl.8) - lid
sela - look for food (v.)
sele - cleared (has ...)
sele e tshweu ya madi - white blood cell
seledu (s.7) diledu (pl.8) - chin
selekane (s.7) dilekane (pl.8) - alliance
selemo (s.7) dilemo (pl.8) - precipice
selemo (s.7) dilemo (pl.8) - spring (season)
selemo (s.7) dilemo (pl.8) - year
selemo se setjha - new year
Selemo se Setjha - New Year's Day
selepe (s.7) dilepe (pl.8) - axe
selotho (s.7) dilotho (pl.8) - puzzle (n.)
selotho (s.7) dilotho (pl.8) - riddle
selwantshamahloko - antibody
semumu (s.7) dimumu (pl.8) - mute
sena - demonstrative pronoun (07) this
seno - demonstrative pronoun (07) that
seno (s.7) dino (pl.8) - drink (n.)
seno se tahang (s.9) dino tse tahang (pl.10) - alcoholic drink
seno se tswekere - sweet drink
senoko (s.7) dinoko (pl.8) - herbs
senoko (s.7) dinoko (pl.8) - knuckle
senokwane (s.7) dinkowane (pl.8) - crook
senola - reveal (v.)
senomaphodi (s.7) dinomaphodi (pl.8) - colddrink
senqanqane (s.7) dinqanqane (pl.8) - frog
Senqu - Orange River
sentawana - spotted hyaena
senya - damage (v.)
senya - destroy (v.)
senya (s.7) - bladder
Senyesemane (7) - English culture
Senyesemane (7) - English language
seo a se etsang - does (what he / she ...)
seotlwana (s.7) diotlwana (pl.8) - fence of reeds
seotswa - prostitute
sepakapaka - sky
sepalangwang (s.7) dipalangwang (pl.8) - vehicle
sepanere (s.7) dipanere (pl.8) - spanner (<Eng)
sepansepeke (s.7) dipansepeke (pl.8) - melon (<Afr: spanspek)
sepeiti - hypodermic syringe
sepekere (s.7) dipekere (pl.8) - nail (<Afr: spyker)
sepelete (s.7) dipelete (pl.8) - pin (n.) (<Afr: speld)
sepetlele (s.7) dipetlele (pl.8) - hospital
sephaka (s.7) diphaka (p.8) - shoulder blade
sephara - flat (adj.)
sepheo (s.7) dipheo (pl.8) - aim (n.)
sepheo (s.7) dipheo (pl.8) - objective
sepheo (s.7) dipheo (pl.8) - policy
sepheo (s.7) dipheo (pl.8) - purpose
sepherephetjhane (s.7) - unnamed person
sephethephethe (s.7) diphethephethe (pl.8) - traffic
sephetho sa teko - test result
sephiri - confidential
sephiri (s.7) diphiri (pl.8) - secret
sephoko (s.7) diphoko (pl.8) - protruding forehead
sephooko (s.7) diphooko (pl.8) - owl
sepoko (s.7) dipoko (pl.8) - ghost
sepolishe (s.7) dipolishe (pl.8) - polisher (appliance)
seqhomane - bomb
Seqhosa - Xhosa culture
Seqhosa - Xhosa language
sera (s.7) dira (pl.8) - enemy
sera sa mmele - antigen
serame - frost
serame (s.7) dirame (pl.8) - cold
serapa (s.7) dirapa (pl.8) - garden
serapa sa diphoofolo (s.7) - zoo
seratswana (s.9) diratswana (pl.10) - bed of flowers
serekisi (s.7) - circus
sereledi (s.7) direledi (pl.8) - butter
serethe - heel
seretse (s.7) diretse (pl.8) - mud
seretse (s.7) diretse (pl.8) - plaster
seriti (s.7) diriti (pl.8) - shadow
seritsa (s.7) diritsa (pl.8) - cripple
serobe (s.7) dirobe (pl.8) - hen's nest
serope (s.7) dirope (pl.8) - thigh
serurubele (s.7) dirurubele (pl.8) - butterfly
sesa - float (v.)
sesa - swim (v.)
sesele - different (07)
sesele - strange (07)
sesepa (s.7) disepa (pl.8) - soap (<Afr: seep)
sesireletsa metsi - gutter
Sesotho - Sotho culture
Sesotho - Sotho language
setala - shed
setala - stable (n.)
setebele - fist
seteishene (s.7) diteishene (pl.8) - station (<Eng)
seteishene sa mapolesa - police station
setempe (s.7) ditempe (pl.8) - stamp (<Eng)
setene (s.7) ditene (pl.8) - brick
setereke (s.7) ditereke (pl.8) - region (<Afr: streek)
seterekeng - region (in the ...)
sethethefatsi - drug (n.)
sethethefatsi se lwantshang dikokwanahloko - antiviral drug
sethoto (s.7) dithoto (pl.8) - ignorant person
sethoto (s.7) dithoto (pl.8) - stupid person
sethunya (s.7) dithunya (pl.8) - fire arm
sethunya (s.7) dithunya (pl.8) - gun
sethunya (s.7) dithunya (pl.8) - rifle
sethuthuthu (s.7) dithuthuthu (pl.8) - motorbike
setimamollo - fire extinguisher
setjhaba (s.7) ditjhaba (pl.8) - nation
setjhaba (s.7) ditjhaba (pl.8) - people
setjhaba (s.7) ditjhaba (pl.8) - race (n.) (people)
setjhaba (s.7) ditjhaba (pl.8) - tribe
setlhare - drug (n.) (medication)
setloholo (s.7) ditloholo (pl.8) - grandchild
setloholwana (s.7) ditloholwana (pl.8) - great grandchild
setlolo - lubricant
setofo (s.7) ditofo (pl.8) - stove (<Afr: stoof)
setse - remained (v.)
setse - stayed (v.)
setsebi (s.7) ditsebi (pl.8) - expert
setsetse - African wild cat
setsetse - bush cat
setshwantsho (s.7) ditshwantsho (pl.8) - picture (n.)
setsokotsane (s.7) ditsokotsane (pl.8) - hurricane
setswe (s.7) ditswe (pl.8) - elbow
setulo (s.7) ditulo (pl.8) - chair
setulo (s.7) ditulo (pl.8) - seat (Afr: stoel)
setulo sa ntlwana - toilet seat
setwalle (s.7) ditswalle (pl.8) - friendship
seuta - affairs not discussed at the proper time
seuta - bad smell of spoilt milk
seuta - old meat
seuta - vain prediction
Sevenda - Venda culture
Sevenda - Venda language
Sezulu - Zulu culture
Sezulu - Zulu language
shaka (s.9) dishaka (pl.10) - shark (<Eng)
shapa - hit (v.)
sheba - look (v.)
sheba - look at (v.)
sheba - watch (v.)
shebana - look at each other (v.)
shelefo (s.9) dishelefo (pl.10) - shelf (<Eng)
shobedisa - kidnap a girl (v.)
shofolo - shovel (<Eng)
shwa - die
shwesa - die (cause to ...)
sikara - carry on lap (v.)
sila - grind (v.)
silela - grind for (v.)
simolla - begin (v.)
sinki (s.9) disinki (pl.10) - kitchen sink
sireletsa - protect (v.)
sisa - sigh (v.)
sisinya - shake (v.)
sisinyeha - quake (v.)
sitelwa - offend (v.)
sitwa - unable
siya - leave behind (v.)
sofa (s.9) disofa (pl.10) - sofa (<Eng)
sohle - all (07) (quantitative pronoun)
soma - mock (v.)
sona - it (07) (absolute pronoun)
sona - possessive pronoun (07)
Sontaha - Sunday
sopo (s.9) disopo (pl.10) - soup (<Afr: sop)
Sosolo - Sasolburg
sotha - wring (v.)
suna - kiss (v.)
sunya - plant (v.)
sunya - push in (v.)
supa - indicate (v.)
supa - point (v.)
supa - point at
supa - seven
suphamakethe (s.9) disuphamakethe (pl.10) - supermarket
susumetsa - inspire (v.)
susumetsa - push (v.)
sutha - move (v.)
sutu (s.9) disutu (pl.10) - suit
sutukheisi (s.9) disutukheisi (pl.10) - suitcase (<Eng)
sututsa - push (v.)
swaba - sorry (feel ...)
swabile - sorry (be ...)
Swatsing - Swaziland
switjhi e kgolo - main switch
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