taba (s.9) ditaba (pl.10) - case
taba (s.9) ditaba (pl.10) - issue
tabataba (s.9) ditabataba (pl.10) - theme
tadi (s.9) ditadi (pl.10) - fieldmouse
tadima - consider (v.)
tadima - look at (v.)
tadimana - look at each other (v.)
tadimeha - look good (v.)
taelo (s.9) ditaelo (pl.10) - command (n.)
taelo (s.9) ditaelo (pl.10) - instruction
tafole (s.9) ditafole (pl.10) - table (<Afr:tafel)
tafole e nang le seipone (s.9) - dressing table
tafole ya ho sebeletsa - workbench
tahi (s.9) - alcohol
tamati (s.9) ditamati (pl.10) - tomato
tanka (s.9) ditanka (pl.10) - tank (>Eng)
tantsha - dance (v.)
tapeite (s.9) ditapeite (pl.10) - carpet
tapole (s.9) ditapole (pl.10) - potato (<Afr: aartappel)
tarasi - transsexual
tarasi - transvestite
tasetare ya masiba - feather duster
tata - hurry (v.)
tataisa - guide (v.)
tatolo - denial
tau (s.9) ditau (pl.10) - lion
tau ya lewatle - Cape fur seal
tau ya metsi - Cape fur seal
taumoholo (s.9) botaumoholo (pl.14) - lion (old ...)
teba - deep (become ...)
teba - sink (v.)
tebello (s.9) ditebello (pl.10) - expectation
tebile - deep
tedu (s.9) ditedu (pl.10) - beard
tee (s.9) ditee (pl.10) - tea (<Afr: tee)
tefello (s.9) ditefello (pl.10) - tariff
tefelo (s.9) ditefelo (pl.10) - price
teka - lay a table (v.)
tekela - lay a table for (v.)
tekisi (s.9) ditekisi (pl.10) - taxi
teko - test (n.)
teko (s.9) diteko (pl.10) - experiment
tela - renounce (v.)
telebishene (s.9) ditelebishene (pl.10) - television (<Eng)
televishene (s.9) ditelevishene (pl.10) - television (<Eng)
tena - put on (socks/gloves) (v.)
tenese (s.9) ditenese (pl.10) - tennis (<Eng)
teng - here
teng - then
tente (s.9) ditente (pl.10) - tent (<Eng)
teraka (s.9) - truck
terata (s.9) diterata (pl.10) - fence
terata (s.9) diterata (pl.10) - wire (<Afr: draad)
terei (s.9) diterei (pl.10) - tray (<Eng)
tereka - iron (v.)
terekela - iron for (v.)
terekere (s.9) diterekere (pl.10) - tractor
terene (s.9) diterene (pl.10) - train
teronko (s.9) diteronko (pl.10) - prison
tetema - tremble (v.)
tetema (s.9) ditetema (pl.10) - flame (great ...)
thaba - rejoice (v.)
thaba (s.9) dithaba (pl.10) - mountain
Thaba Ntsho - Harrismith
thabana (s.9) dithabana (pl.10) - hill (lit. small mountain)
thabela - enjoy (v.)
thabisa - amuse
thabisa - entertain
thabo - joy
thabo e kaalo - such joy
Thabong - Welkom
thae (s.9) dithae (pl.10) - tie (n.) (<Eng)
thaere (s.9) dithaere (pl.10) - tyre (<Eng)
thaere e tabohileng - burst tyre
thaha (s.9) dithaha (pl.10) - finch
thaha (s.9) dithaha (pl.10) - sparrow
thapa - tame (become ...) (v.)
thapile - tame (be ...) (v.)
thapisa - tame (v.)
thapo (s.9) dithapo (pl.10) - rope
tharo - three
thata - difficult
thato (s.9) dithato (pl.10) - liking
thato (s.9) dithato (pl.10) - will
thea - form (v.)
thebe (s.9) dithebe (pl.10) - shield
theha - found (v.)
thekesela - dizzy
theko (s.9) ditheko (pl.10) - price
Thekong - Durban
thella - slide (v.)
thella - slip (v.)
themperetjhara - temperature
themperetjhara ya mmele - body temperature
theoha mmeleng - lose weight (v.)
theohela - descend
theosa - descend (a hill)
thete - excrement
thete - faeces
thetsa - deceive (v.)
thetso - deceit
thiane - steenbok
thiba - prevent (v.)
thiba - seal (a leak) (v.)
thiba - stop (v.) (something)
thikgwi - aardwolf
thine (pl.9) dithine (pl.10) - tin (<Eng)
thinya - turn (v.)
thipa (s.9) dithipa (pl.10) - knife
thoane - caracal
thobalano - sex (n.)
thobalano - sexual intercourse
thoko - aside
thoko (s.9) dithoko (pl.10) - praise poem
thola - quiet (become ...) (v.)
tholo (s.9) ditholo (pl.10) - kudu
thota (s.9) dithota (pl.10) - plateau
thotha - transport (v.)
thotho - transport (n.)
thothokiso (s.9) dithothokiso (pl.10) - poetry
thothomela - quiver (v.)
thotobolo (s.9) dithotobolo (pl.10) - ash heap
thotse - quiet (is ...) (v.)
thotse - still (adj.)
thuha - burgle (v.)
thuhlo (s.9) dithuhlo (pl.10) - giraffe
thunya - fire a gun (v.)
thunya - shoot (v.)
thunya - shoot up (of plant) (v.)
thupa (s.9) dithupa (pl.10) - stick (n.)
thusa - assist (v.)
thusa - help
thuso (s.9) dithuso (pl.10) - assistance
thuso (s.9) dithuso (pl.10) - help (n.)
thuso (s.9) dithuso (pl.10) - redemption
thuso ya pele - first aid
thuto - education
thuto (s.9) dithuto (pl.10) - lesson
thuto ya dithaka - peer education
tiisa - stress (v.)
tiiso - sincerity
tiiso (s.9) ditiiso (pl.10) - stress (n.)
tikishinare (s.9) ditikishinare (pl.10) - dictionary (<Eng)
tima - pinch (v.)
timela - perish (v.)
titima - run (v.)
titjhere (s.9) dititjhere (pl.10) - teacher (<Eng.)
tjena - thus
tjha - burn (v.)
tjhaba - rise (sun) (v.)
tjhadimeho - appearance
Tjhaena - China
Tjhaena (9) - China
tjhaka - visit (v.)
tjhakela - visit at (v.)
tjhalaka - dart (about) (v.)
tjhao (s.9) ditjhao (pl.10) - good harvest
tjhatjhametsa - run swiftly
tjhee - no
tjheka - dig (v.)
tjhele - burned (v.)
tjhelete (s.9) ditjhelete (pl.10) - money (<Afr: geld)
tjhemele (s.9) ditjhemele (pl.10) - chimney
tjhesa - burn (v.)
tjheseho - eagerness
tjheseho - zeal
tjhesele (s.9) ditjhesele (pl.10) - chisel (<Eng)
tjheswa - burned (be.) (v.)
tjhitja - hornless
tjho - say (v.)
tjhokolete (s.9) ditjhokolete (pl.10) - chocolate (<Eng)
tjhora - sharp (be ...) (v.)
tjhorisa - sharpen (v.)
tjhwesa - simulate death (v.)
tla - come
tlaase - under
tlala - famine
tlala - full (become ...)
tlala - hunger
tlaleho - report (n.)
tlama - bind (v.)
tlama - tie (v.)
tlamehile - must
tlasa - underneath
tlatsa - fill (v.)
tlekelele - stop (ideophone)
tlelafo ya raba - latex glove
tlelapa - clap (v.)
tlelapa - slap (v.)
tlelereke (s.9) ditlelereke (pl.10) - clerk
tleliniki (s.9) ditleliniki (p.10) - clinic
tleloko (s.9) ditleloko (pl.10) - clock
tletse - full (is ...)
Tlhabane - Rustenburg
tlhafu - calf (leg)
tlhaho - nature
tlhako (s.9) ditlhako (pl.10) - hoof
tlhaloso (s.9) ditlhaloso (pl.10) - explanation
tlhapi (s.9) ditlhapi (pl.10) - fish
tlhase (s.9) ditlhase (pl.10) - spark
tlhokomelo - care (v.)
tlhokomelo ka baahi - community care
tlhokomelo ya mokudi ya makgatheng a lefu - palliation
tlhokomelo ya sethatho ya bophelo bo botle - primary health care
tlhong - hedgehog
tlhware (s.9) ditlhware (pl.10) - python
tlisa - bring (v.)
tlodi - serval
tloha - go away (v.)
tlohela - leave (v.)
tlohela - red hartebeest
tloho - come
tlola - smear on (v.)
tlosa - remove (v.)
tlotlisa - glorify (v.)
tlotlisa - praise (v.)
tlotliso - honour
tlotlontswe - vocabulary
tlotsa - anoint
tlotsa - smear (v.)
tlou (s.9) ditlou (pl.10) - elephant
tlwaela - accustomed (become...)
tlwaeleha - friendly (be ...) (v.)
tlwaetsa - acclimatise
tlwaetsa - accustomed (be…)
tlwaetsa - accustomed (make…)
tlwaetsa - acquaint
tlwaetsa - habituate
tlwaetsa - make friends (v.)
toba - concern (v.)
tokelo (s.9) ditokelo (pl.10) - duty
tokelo (s.9) ditokelo (pl.10) - privilege
tokelo (s.9) ditokelo (pl.10) - right (n.)
tokoloho - freedom
tola - bathe (v.)
tomo (s.9) ditomo (pl.10) - bridle
tona - them (10) (absolute pronoun)
tona - they (10) (absolute pronoun)
tonakgolo (s.9) ditonakgolo (pl.10) - premier
tonakgolo (s.9) ditonakgolo (pl.10) - prime minister
tonana - immense
tonki (s.9) ditonki (pl.10) - donkey
toro (s.9) ditoro (pl.10) - dream (n.)
toropo (s.9) ditoropo (pl.10) - town (<Afr: dorp)
toropong - in town
toropong - to town
tosene (s.9) ditosene (pl.10) - dozen
totobala - clear (become ...)
totobetse - obvious
tsa - of (08) (possessive concord)
tsa - of (10) (possessive concord)
tsamauwa - walked (being ...) (v.)
tsamaya - walk (v.)
tsamaya hantle - good bye (to person leaving)
tsane - demonstrative pronoun (08) those (yonder)
tsane - demonstrative pronoun (10) those (yonder)
tse ding - certain (08) (adj.)
tse ding - certain (10) (adj.)
tse ditonana - huge (08) (adj.)
tse ditonana - huge (10) (adj.)
tse fapaneng - different (be ...)
tse kaakang ! - how big ! (08)
tse kaakang ! - how big ! (10)
tse kae ? - how big ? (08)
tse kae ? - how big ? (10)
tse kae ? - how much ? (08)
tse kae ? - how much ? (10)
tse kana ka - as big as (08) (adj.)
tse kana ka - as big as (10) (adj.)
tse kgolo - big (08) (adj.)
tse kgolo - big (10) (adj.)
tse kgubedu - red (08) (adj.)
tse kgubedu - red (10) (adj.)
tse kgunong - brown (light ...) (08) (adj.)
tse kgunong - brown (light ...) (10) (adj.)
tse kgutshwanyane - short (08) (adj.)
tse kgutshwanyane - short (10) (adj.)
tse mpe - bad (08) (adj.)
tse mpe - bad (10) (adj.)
tse mpe - ugly (08) (adj.)
tse mpe - ugly (10) (adj.)
tse ngata - many (08) (adj.)
tse ngata - many (10) (adj.)
tse ntjha - new (08) (adj.)
tse ntjha - new (10) (adj.)
tse ntle - beautiful (08) (adj.)
tse ntle - beautiful (10) (adj.)
tse ntle - good (08) (adj.)
tse ntle - good (10) (adj.)
tse ntle - pretty (08) (adj.)
tse ntle - pretty (10) (adj.)
tse ntsho - black (08) (adj.)
tse ntsho - black (10) (adj.)
tse ntsho - dark (08) (adj.)
tse ntsho - dark (10) (adj.)
tse nyane - little (08) (adj.)
tse nyane - little (10) (adj.)
tse nyane - small (08) (adj.)
tse nyane - small (10) (adj.)
tse nyenyane - small (08) (adj.)
tse nyenyane - small (10) (adj.)
tse pinki - pink (08) (adj.)
tse pinki - pink (10) (adj.)
tse putswa - blue (08) (adj.)
tse putswa - blue (10) (adj.)
tse putswa - grey (08) (adj.)
tse putswa - grey (10) (adj.)
tse sootho - brown (dark ...) (08) (adj.)
tse sootho - brown (dark ...) (10) (adj.)
tse tala - green (08) (adj.)
tse tala - green (10) (adj.)
tse telele - long (08) (adj.)
tse telele - long (10) (adj.)
tse telele - tall (08) (adj.)
tse telele - tall (10) (adj.)
tse tenya - thick (08) (adj.)
tse tenya - thick (10) (adj.)
tse tjhitja - round (08)
tse tjhitja - round (10)
tse tona - male (08) (adj.)
tse tona - male (10) (adj.)
tse tshehadi - female (08) (adj.)
tse tshehadi - female (10) (adj.)
tse tshehadi - feminine (08) (adj.)
tse tshehadi - feminine (10) (adj.)
tse tshehla - yellow (08) (adj.)
tse tshehla - yellow (10) (adj.)
tse tshesane - thin (08) (adj.)
tse tshesane - thin (10) (adj.)
tse tshesane - tight (08) (adj.)
tse tshesane - tight (10) (adj.)
tse tshweu - white (08) (adj.)
tse tshweu - white (10) (adj.)
tse tsitsitse - stable (08) (adj.)
tse tsitsitse - stable (10) (adj.)
tseba - know (v.)
tsebe (s.9) ditsebe (pl.10 - ear
tsebisa - announce
tsebisa - introduce (v.)
tsebisa - know (cause to ...) (v.)
tsebisa - notify (v.)
tsebiso - reference
tsebiso (s.9) ditsebiso (pl.10) - notice (n.)
tsejwa - known (be ...) (v.)
tseka - contest (v.)
tsela (s.9) ditsela (pl.10) - road
tsela ya motokara - driveway
tselana (s.9) ditselana (pl.10) - path
tsena - demonstrative pronoun (08) these
tsena - demonstrative pronoun (10) these
tseno - demonstrative pronoun (08) those
tseno - demonstrative pronoun (10) those
tshaba - afraid (become…)
tshaba - fear (v.)
tshebediso - usage
tshebediso e fosahetseng - abuse (n.)
tshebediso ya dithethefatsi ka nale - intravenous drug use
tshedisa - comfort (v.)
tsheha - laugh (v.)
tshehetsa - support (v.)
tshehetsana - stand together (v.)
tshehlana (s.9) ditshehlana (pl.10) - light skinned girl
tshela - pour (v.)
tshelela - six
tshenolo (s.9) ditshenolo (pl.10) - revelation
tshenyehelo (s.9) ditshenyehelo (pl.10) - expense
tshenyeho (s.9) ditshenyeho (pl.10) - damage (n.)
tshenyeleho (s.9) ditshenyeleho (pl.10) - damage (n.)
tshepa - hope (v.)
tshepa - trust (v.)
tshepahala - faithful
tshepahala - reliable
tshepahala - trustworthy
tshepe (s.9) ditshepe (pl.10) - iron (n.)
tshephe (s.9) ditshephe (pl.10) - roan antelope
tshephe (s.9) ditshephe (pl.10) - springbok
tshephe (s.9) ditshephe (pl.10) - springbuck
tshepo - hope (n.)
tshimo (s.9) masimo (pl.6) - field
tshimo (s.9) masimo (pl.6) - garden
tshireletso - protection
tshireletso - shelter
tshisinyeho (s.9) ditshisinyeho (pl.10) - quake (n.)
tshitshidi (s.9) ditshitshidi (pl.10) - bug
Tshitwe - December
tshohanyetso - suddenness
tshohanyetso - surprise (n.)
tshola - dish up (food) (v.)
tshola - remove from fire (v.)
tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10) - fable
tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10) - folk-tale
tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10) - legend
tshomo (s.9) ditshomo (pl.10) - story
tshosa - startle (v.)
tshosa - startled (become ...) (v.)
tshotlo ka thobalano - sexual abuse
tshowana - blonde
tshukudu (s.9) ditshukudu (pl.10) - rhinoceros
tshukudu e molomo o sephara - square-lipped rhino
tshukudu e molomo o sephara - white rhinoceros
tshukudu e molomo wa haka - black rhinoceros
tshukudu e molomo wa haka - hook-lipped rhinoceros
tshupanako (s.9) ditshupanako (pl.10) - watch (n.)
tshwaetsa - infect
tshwaetsa - transmit (v.)
tshwaetso - infection
tshwaetso - transmission
tshwaetso ka sekgababa - transplacental infection
tshwaetso ya HIV - HIV infection
tshwana - resemble (v.)
Tshwane - Pretoria
tshwanela ho - ought to
tshwanelo (s.9) ditshwanelo (pl.10) - duty
tshwanetse - should
tshwantsha - compare
tshwantsha - depict (v.)
tshwantsha - draw (v.)
tshwantsha - liken
tshwara - arrest (v.)
tshwara - catch (v.)
tshwara - hold (v.)
tshwasa - catch fish (v.)
tshwaya - correct (v.)
tshwaya - mark (v.)
tshwelesa - gland
tshwelesa - lump
tshwelesa - swollen gland
tshwene (s.9) ditshwene (pl.10) - baboon
tshwenya - trouble (v.)
tshwenya - worry
tsie (s.9) ditsie (pl.10) - locust
tsietsa - distress (v.)
tsietsa - embarass (v.)
tsietsa - puzzle (v.)
tsietsi (s.9) ditsietsi (pl.10) - distress (n.)
tsipa e matheba a maholo - tigrine genet
tsipa e matheba a masesane - small-spotted genet
tsirii - run (v.)
tsoha - rise out of bed (v.)
tsoha - wake up (v.)
tsoha molota - gather hope
tsoha molota - gather strength
tsohle - all (08) (quantitative pronoun)
tsohle - all (10) (quantitative pronoun)
tsohle - whole
tsokotsa - rinse (v.)
tsola - undress (v.)
tsoma - hunt (v.)
tsona - possessive pronoun (08)
tsona - possessive pronoun (10)
tsona - them (08) (absolute pronoun)
tsona - they (08) (absolute pronoun)
tsosa - rise (cause to ...) (v.)
tsotsi (s.9) ditsotsi (pl.10) - gangster
tsuba - smoke (v.)
tsubile - smoked (v.)
tsubisa - smoke (cause to ...) (v.)
tswa - come from
tswafa - disinclined (feel ...)
tswaka - mix (v.)
tswala - beget (v.)
tswalo - birth
tswekere - sweet (adj.)
tswekere (s.9) ditswekere (pl.10) - sugar
tswela pele - progress (v.)
tswela pele - prosper (v.)
tswelopele - civilization
tswelopele - progress (n.)
tswelopele - prosperity
tswere (s.9) ditswere (pl.10) - canary
tu - silent (ideophone)
tumammoho (s.9) ditumammoho (pl.10) - consonant
tumannotshi (s.9) ditumannotshi (pl.10) - vowel
tumediso (s.9) ditumediso (pl.10) - greeting
tumediso (s.9) ditumediso (pl.10) - salutation
tumello ka kutlwisiso - informed consent
tumelo - faith
tura - expensive (be ...) (v.)
turisa - impose a expensive price (v.)
turu - expensive (Afr: duur)
tutumolotseha - scamper (v.)
twantshamahloko - antibiotic
tweba (s.9) ditweba (pl.10) - mouse (animal)
twela pele - continue

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