wa - fall (v.)
wa - of (01) (possessive concord)
wa - of (03) (possessive concord)
wane - demonstrative pronoun (03) that (yonder)
washara (s.9) diwashara (pl.10) - washer (<Eng)
wateropo (s.9) diwateropo (pl.10) - wardrobe (<Eng)
watjhe (s.9) diwatjhe (pl.10) - watch (n.) (<Eng)
wee ! - please !
wee ! - pray !
wela - fall into (v.)
wela tseleng - undertake journey
wena - you (singular) (absolute pronoun)
wohle - all (01) (quantitative pronoun)
wohle - all (03) (quantitative pronoun)
wona - it (03) (absolute pronoun)
wona - possessive pronoun (03)
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© Jako Olivier (2006)