ya - go (v.)
ya - of (04) (possessive concord)
ya - of (09) (possessive concord)
ya - who (relative conc)
ya botona kapa botshehadi - genital (adj.)
ya thobalano - sexual
yane - demonstrative pronoun (01) that (yonder)
yane - demonstrative pronoun (04) those (yonder)
yane - demonstrative pronoun (09) that (yonder)
yena - he
yena - he / she (01) (absolute pronoun)
yena - she (absolute pronoun)
yena ka nama - himself
yohle - all (04) (quantitative pronoun)
yohle - all (09) (quantitative pronoun)
yona - it / he / she (09) (absolute pronoun)
yona - possessive pronoun (04)
yona - possessive pronoun (09)
yona - them (04) (absolute pronoun)
yona - they (04) (absolute pronoun)
yunibesiti (s.9) diyunibesiti (pl.10) - university (<Eng)
yunivesiti (s.9) diyunivesiti (pl.10) - university (<Eng)
Yuropa - Europe
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© Jako Olivier (2006)